Here are our top five packing tips to ensure you are ready and prepared.
Roll all your clothes: By tightly folding all your clothes, you will process much more space in the suitcase compared to folding them. For shirts, fold the sleeves in half and then roll the rest. As for jeans and pants, folding it in half and roll it tightly. This should help you have more space in your suitcase to put in some extra clothes you thought you couldn’t fit in!
Also, place your socks in shoes: This may sound like a silly idea, but it works, promise. Put all your socks rolled up into your shoes, it has been known to save even more space in a suitcase. Not only does it offer more space to pack, it also keeps your shoes in shape.
Bring elastic bands: Elastic bands can be useful for various things. From rolling up posters to using it around your wallet to prevent anything from falling out, elastic bands can be a saviour!
Important Items: The most important factor is that you actually arrive to your designated place! Without things like your passport, ticket and visa confirmation, you won’t be able to depart from the UK. Other important items include your phone, wallet/purse and medication. Toiletries like moisturiser, eye drops, tissue paper or aspirins should also be considered.
Music: There’s nothing worse than travelling a long journey and forgetting your headphones! Make sure you’ve got your phone, tablet or similar electronic device alongside with headphones to ensure you can relax. The sound of a passenger snoring, being particularly loud or even babies crying and screaming can be enough to give you a headache so even if you don’t listen to music, an alternative in ear plugs may be something to consider!
Pictures: It may be comforting to take photos of your loved ones especially if you are planning to move to another country for the long-term. Another good idea may be to decorate your room with posters, flags and sentiments that offer a bit of flavour and a bit of your own personality to make you feel at ease.
With various amount of airlines quoting eye watering fees to bring your luggage, Tudor Freight offer the cheapest deals possible for students. On our website we have a calculator that converts the weight of your luggage into price.
Once you have been quoted online, you can pay the fee directly online as well and receive tracking updates of when and where you can collect your luggage. To find out more information, click here.
We hope our tips have helped you to remember the crucial things, good luck!
If you have any questions or require any guidance with your excess baggage packing, please let contact our team.