As you would expect from a respected member of the shipping and forwarding community we are a member of several organisations which are relevant to our industry. Our memberships include the following:
IATA - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) supports aviation with global standards for airline safety, security, efficiency and sustainability.
FIATA - In French "Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés", in English "International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations" and represents 40,000 logistics firms across 150 countries.
BIFA - The British International Freight Association is the Trade Association representing UK freight forwarders.
The Chamber of Commerce - A dynamic and independent business network with Accredited Chambers in every nation and region of the UK, and in key markets around the world.
In 2016 Tudor International achieved full "AEO” status. This stands for “Authorised Economic Operator” and is awarded by the UK Government via HMRC to companies that satisfy strict customs criteria to demonstrate consistent quality, compliance and trustworthiness in the international supply chain. This status is acknowledged throughout the EU and internationally.
The UK Government describes this accreditation as "an internationally recognised quality mark indicating that your role in the international supply chain is secure, and that your customs controls and procedures are efficient and compliant.”